Equity Reports
- AI Generated Equity Reports have been revamped to include additional financial information such as stock charts and the analysis is now presented in an easily digestible format.
Rerun Projects
- Rerun existing Due Diligence projects to get the most up to date ticker analysis. Project reruns allows users to track historical information regarding a ticker via project versioning. User’s can review previous projects to keep track of historical analysis along with the most up to date analysis.
Source Content
- Financial Estimates Data is now fetched by Charli to provide more in depth analysis of stocks. Quarterly and Annual Estimate data are being fetched as part of AI Due Diligence. Charli will pull in the Quarterly Estimates for the next 4 quarters and the Annual Estimates for the next 2 years if they are available. Estimates are being pulled for the follow data points:
- Earnings per Share
- Sales
- Net Sales
- Revenue Total
- Adjusted EBITDA
- Debt
- Working Capital
- Free Cash Flow per Share
- Dividend per Share
- Book Value per Share
Real Time Stock Charts
- Real time stock charts are now displayed in an AI Due Diligence project. Stock charts provide a visual of the stock price over a period of time so that users get a picture of the historical performance of a stock.