AI Generated Reports
- Users no longer need to select a Report Template when generating a new Due Diligence report. Once users click Generate New Report, Charli will begin generating the new report which will be emailed to the users once it has been completed.
- Improved the experience downloading a Report from a Project. A Download button has been added to the Report preview which allows users to download the report at the click of a button.
- Reports are now sent as email attachments once Charli has completed generating them. Previously, users received a link to the Project to download the completed report.
AI Question & Answers
- Informal and Simplified queries allow users to ask informal questions to Charli. Users can now ask questions without the need to explicitly state the name of the Company analysis is being performed on. Users can also enter simple queries such as “Revenue for 2023” rather than “What was the revenue for [Company Name] in 2023?”
- We have introduced the ability to navigate through the Question & Answer experience via the keyboard. Users can now submit a question to Charli by clicking “Enter” on the keyboard. Users can also select a Suggested Question by using the up and down arrow keys and selecting Enter to ask a question.
- Sentiment and Analytical answer comparison in reports. When the same question is asked with both a Sentiment and an Analytical focus, both questions will appear side-by-side in the Report for users to compare the answers.
Performance Improvements
- Supporting various ticker formats. User’s can now run Due Diligence projects for tickers that include hyphens.
- General performance improvements to provide faster processing times, enhanced stability, and a better overall experience automating analysis.
Resolved Issues
- We resolved an issue that affected users attempting to download older reports from projects that contain multiple reports. Previously, when trying to download an older report, users could only download the most recent report.
- We have resolved an issue relating to the consistency of logos appearing on Projects.
- We have resolved an issue relating to the Sentiment Toggle. Previously, when users edited a question and clicked Enter, the Sentiment Toggle would turn off.