Equity Reports
- Equity Reports can now be generated in either a PDF or DOCX format allowing users the flexibility to generate a report in their preferred format.
Source Content
- Form 10-Q’s are now fetched by Charli when a new Due Diligence is processed for tickers on the NYSE and NASDAQ. The filings will be included in the Source Content that Charli uses to perform analysis on a Ticker.
Coming Soon
- Portfolio Analysis will enable users on our Premium subscription to ask questions across an entire portfolio of companies to perform. This will allow users to perform comparative analysis across a group of tickers.
- Portfolio Settings will offer users the ability to configure the settings of their Portfolios. Users can configure themes and default questions to streamline their analysis.
- Themes narrow the focus on the new articles that are fetched and used for analysis. For example, if a Portfolio is set with an M&A theme, Charli will gather content related to acquisitions involving the company.
- Default Questions can be added to Portfolios so that when new analysis on a ticker is kicked off, Charli will ask your default questions as a part of the initial analysis saving users time.